The leading prankster in sports world Shaquille O'Neal, was played a little prank with as he was the victim to a prank at US Airways Center.
Shaq as always loves being notices, by dancing with the Jabbawockeez At The NBA All Star Game, singing on stage with teammates, bench pressing his trainer during a team workout or just posting frequently on his twitter account. You can always find Shaq doing something interesting and trying to make people laugh.
But now it was Shaq who got punked by none other then teammate Lou Amundson, who filled his pimped out maroon travel van with pink Styrofoam. After falling victim to the prank, Shaq found Lou's Blackberry and let the recording cameras know that he's in trouble.
"Your In trouble Lou, proof. I found his Blackberry. I'm gonna do something special the whole world gonna know!" Said Shaq.
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